Make your travel plans with:

please email John at
the Link below!
(Tom was the purser on a recent Northwest Airlines
flight who had some great stories that I would like to
pass on by interviewing him again, so if you know him,
please have him get a hold of us!) I've since heard he's
got a GREAT Hawaii story to tell and I WANT TO HEAR IT! |
Just some of the places John has Broadcast from:
1000 foot boat
Aerial Lift Bridge control-house (as it's going up and down)
Charter Fishing Boat on Lake of the Woods
Charter Fishing Boat on Lake Superior
With his toes in the pacific ocean
From Restaurants uncountable
The Berlin Wall (both sides)
The Honeycomb Dome of the Reichstag (German Parliment Building)
Amtrak Trains
ICE Inter City Express Trains in Germany
Ramstein Air Base (Germany)
Incerlik Air Base (Turkey)
Mildenhall Air Base (England)
Tel Aviv
The Golan Heights
Foothills of the Bavarian Alps
Bed & Breakfasts
Farm Fields
The home of Bill G
Top of the World Trade Center
the Zoo in Winnipeg
the Nunsuch Sailing Ship
the Market in Nuremburg
le Grande Hotel, Paris
The castle that Snow White was written in (near Kassel Germany)
Our motorcoach parked in truck stops, national parks, rest areas, campgrounds, and sometimes going down the Freeway at 70 mph
County Fairs
State Fairs
Mount Rushmore
Rushmore Caves
Top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas
A patio bar in Fort Collins, CO
The dining car of an antique train in the Lake Superior Railroad Museum
The factory floor of the Fisher Space Pen Company in Boulder City (with Tiny Tim playing Tiptoe Through the Tulips!)
What/Where won't we go and do?
Anything to do with the occult. Anything to do with Mushrooms (it's a running gag we've been using for years...hoping a mushroom farmer would invite us...but no go so far.
On our wish list:
Morning milking at a Dairy or Goat Farm
Fish Farm
Cheese Factory
Any kind of festival
On the Theater stage of Cats or Cabaret
From Dolly Parton's Bus
Inflight on an Airplane
A Shrimp or Lobster Boat
The smallest of anything
The largest of anything
10 countries in 10 Days (sponsors wanted!)
The grotto at the Playboy Mansion
The Great Pyramid
A Space Shuttle takeoff or landing
A Native American Pow Wow
The Madonna Inn in California
The Strand at Venice Beach
Betty's Pie Shop, Two Harbors
Looking at the Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay Ontario
With Gordy Tapp (of HEE HAW FAME) as my guest.
The Norskie Nook (for PIE) on I-94 in WI
The Tower Cafe (for more PIE) on I-94 in ND
October Fest (which is in September) in Munich...OK Munich ND
October Fest in Winnipeg if they still have those Octoberfest Sausages
The bridge of an ocean going ship...military or cruise.
Contact Info:
Send email to us:
r e i t m e i e r @ g m a i l . com

Mouseover the pictures. |