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ATTENTION:   Tom Carl, please email John at the Link below! (Tom was the purser on a recent Northwest Airlines flight who had some great stories that I would like to pass on by interviewing him again, so if you know him, please have him get a hold of us!) I've since heard he's got a GREAT Hawaii story to tell and I WANT TO HEAR IT! 

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OCTOBER 1 2015   We have removed our affiliates...  new projects to come!

Contact Info:
Send email to us:  r e i t m e i e r @ g m a i l . com

The United States Postal Service address:
28691 230th Street SW 
Crookston MN 56716

A recreation of The Greek Parthenon in Nashville.   My guests at Ramstein AFB.   A typical meat market in Erfurt Germany, you could smell it  a block away.  YUMMMMM!   The Gardens at The Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN

Mouseover the pictures.