Make your travel plans with:

please email John at
the Link below!
(Tom was the purser on a recent Northwest Airlines
flight who had some great stories that I would like to
pass on by interviewing him again, so if you know him,
please have him get a hold of us!) I've since heard he's
got a GREAT Hawaii story to tell and I WANT TO HEAR IT! |
We deliver an audience that "tunes IN" not out.
Our listeners have an awareness of the world and disposable income to spend.
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Host the BIG BROWN BUS as we broadcast live from your business/event!
Put your logo on the BIG BROWN BUS
Let us host an event for you. We can take your star employees or clients on a NEVER FORGOTTEN trip.
You pick the destination-anywhere in the world, we'll get you the best deals, make the coolest arrangements, the
best reservations, we'll make memories! Using our media contacts, we can get access to events and locations that others only drool over.
Contact Info:
Send email to us:
R E I T M E I E R @ g m a i l . com

Mouseover the pictures. |