please email John at
the Link below!
(Tom was the purser on a recent Northwest Airlines
flight who had some great stories that I would like to
pass on by interviewing him again, so if you know him,
please have him get a hold of us!) I've since heard he's
got a GREAT Hawaii story to tell and I WANT TO HEAR IT! |
Features and benefits of John Reitmeier's Cool Site Pick of the Day:
Add upbeat, enthusiastic, fun content to the morning show!
Draw in listeners to beat the competition!
Drive people to YOUR Radio Station website!
Gives you a new program that can be sold to technology, travel, food, and clothing/luggage companies!
"Storyteller John Reitmeier is an attraction in himself!" - SO SAYS Southern Living Magazine
Show is relevant to world events for news hungry morning listeners!
John is a seasoned veteran of radio, broadcasting from Israel, Germany(more than
20 visits), Amsterdam, England, Mexico, Canada, 28 American States.
We'll become the water cooler conversation topic!
Gives station a "technology" image yet people without computer access still relate!
"I learned something every day on the Cool Site!" - Jim Bollman, KNOX, KCNN
Show can be as adjusted to fit the tone and length of your format. Our main goal is to make your station and morning program sound GREAT!
We're available to cut commercials/endorsements/visits for your best advertisers!
No cost to you (except a few phone calls)!
Show is bartered: We get an opening and closing sponsorship tag and 60 seconds
of commercial time OR 3 thirty second commercials per day with 20 seconds of our
ad and 10 seconds pitching the show.
Minimum of once a year in your town for a meet & greet!
Contact Info:
Send email to us:
r e i t m e i e r @ g m a i l . com

Mouseover the pictures. |