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Here is a list of ideas and new words we like.
If there's a ( Copyright Year) behind them, we lay claim to having
thought of them!
Our Joke:
We've decided that EVERY seat on an airliner is a Shakespeare
They're all either 2B or not 2B! Copyright 2006 John Reitmeier
Credentiability combination of credentials and ability... having the ability to prove that you have the required credentials Copyright 2006 John Reitmeier
Intrudginous interacting with others in an Intruding way. Copyright 2006 John Reitmeier
We think that the railroad pillar in the middle of the Red River in Grand Forks should be designed to hold two GIANT FORKS. Copyright 2004-5-6 John Reitmeier First told to Kim at Sanders 1907 Restaurant in March 2004...ask him!
Peterinarian A veterinarian that specialized in household pets. Copyright 2006 John Reitmeier
Man-aging The ability to grow old gracefully and "manage" your life along the way. Copyright 2006 John Reitmeier
Skinterns Mostly gals who are interning in Washington DC who are "dressing down" by wearing tight jeans and exposing as much skin as they can to "get noticed"
Absolutinroutintootly (abso lutin rootin tootly)Copyright 2006 combination of absolutely and rootin tootin a word I've always known.
peripatetic Aristotle prescribed this for a persons life one who travels around all the time
wan Unnaturally pale, as from physical or
emotional distress.
Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness; melancholy: a
wan expression.
These 2 from articles about the claimed JonBenet Ramsey killer.
Interesting Phrase/Quote
"I kicked myself all the way through his pictures!"
JCBollman Aug 23, 2006
Regionably Something that's regularly available
locally/regionally JCBollman August 24, 2006
Dignitarian Robert Fuller created
Rankism People in power putting others down. Watch these 2 words we predict they'll become buzz words shortly.
Temerity not so new but a good word to use
Tragigist People who look for the hidden tragedy in everything! (C) John Reitmeier Sept 6, 2006