September 2003
Tuesday September 30, 2003
Goodbye September
So, do you think that
there's haunting in your back yard? Or in your town. I'm not sure
how I feel about the reality of such things. My religious
instruction says we should stay away from psychics and fortune tellers
(notice the NO CAPITALS) and judging from what I have read about these
people being fakes (an upcoming Cool Site) it seems like bunk, but on the
other hand, why would we be cautioned to stay away unless there really was
"something to it!" So, here's a list of places in our states where
some haunting is said to have occurred. You decide.
North Dakota
South Dakota
Monday September 29, 2003
We all lived through
them, we probably were affected by them, we might have (GASP) actually
been subject to spending hard earned dollars on them! BAD
FADS, and the bad fad museum will relive those "painful" experiences for
OK FESS UP! Did you do some of these?
Friday September 26, 2003
How far away can "they"
take a picture and you can actually see things? Would you believe 10
miles? 30 miles? 100 miles? How about from space?
We've got pictures of YOUR HOUSE taken from space and this happened YEARS
ago, think what they can take pictures of now!!
Tera SERVER check out what
your house looks like....WOW time to clean up that back yard!
And kick to the Topographical view to see elevations. Someone
did a LOT of hand drawing!
Thursday September 25, 2003 Happy
Some day's I just feel
like I didn't work hard enough for the last 30 years! Our Cool
Site-Pick of the Day today is a website that has hundreds of "villas,"
"castles," and other great places that run about 2,000 per person PER DAY!
Yes, that's the rate....Hey if you want your privacy, you got to pay!!
And check the 400 Yachts, gassed up and ready to pick you up!
Unusual Vvilla Rentals
Wednesday September 24, 2003
We've all been traveling
and seen those unfinished, or badly finished, put the letters on the sign
to say something, signs. In the "we got way to much time so we take
these pictures" department, here's a website that has just captured way to
many of these American samples.
Stupid Signs
Like reality isn't good enough, here's a whole list of supposed signs that
might, or might not have been really spotted. You know what they
say, "A picture is worth a thousand laughs!"
Stupid Signs or here's 1 man's bicycle trip of snapshots.
Even More
Stupid Signs
Tuesday September 23, 2003
Hello Fall!
Autumn and time for the
leaves to leave us. But first a big splash of color and then
PFFFFSSSSTT! and they're gone! All around Minnesota there are
different color trails. Different stands of pines that go on for
dozens of miles. Check out the different color drives you can visit.
Get a weekly update of the color zones. Take a drive, take the kids,
Take my wife Please...OH WAIT, that was Henny Youngman who said that! Well
take someone and visit or better yet,
Explore Minnesota
Monday September 22, 2003
Goodbye Summer
As we say goodbye to
summer and hello to autumn, let's not forget that Halloween is just around
the corner! You can't wait till Oct 30th and then say, "What
am I going to wear???" It's TIME TO START PLANNING NOW!
And what better site, to order from, or just to get ideas. It's
You can actually buy that???
Friday September 19, 2003
Don't you feel sad about
all those old cigarette vending machines. Serving mankind so
faithfully all those years and now with the changing times they're
delegated to a dark corner of a warehouse somewhere...BUT NO MORE!!
Enter, stage left, ART-O-MAT!! Yes now artists from all over the
United States (300+) can generate art that is the size of a pack of cig's
and it's sold for five bucks... Collect an entire set!! Visit
our Cool Site to check it out!
Thursday September 18, 2003
Is it wet enough where
you are? We got it here and we got it hard. As much as 1
inch hail in town. Just mega rain (measured in inches) here. I
think the dry spell is broken. So on to Cool Site-age. Crazy
Dog Travel has LOTS if information if you're planning a trip, specially a
big trip! And one of their pages is world trivia. I though
many of the items were interesting so check it out and amaze your friends.
Why do they
import sand to Saudi Arabia???
Wednesday September 17, 2003
How often have we heard,
"Well you can't change the weather!?" How true it is, but since we
can't change it, let's celebrate it. Just cause we don't have a
Hurricane here doesn't mean we can't "hunker down" and weather out the
storm. But to do that you need several lifesaving items.
1. Lots of Jimmy Buffet CD's. 2. An uninterruptible power source to
provide music to the CD player which is going to play the Jimmy Buffet
CD's. 3. Age appropriate beverages. So if you're over 21...Hey,
you're not going to be driving anywhere so, enjoy these...

4 cups pineapple juice
2 cups orange juice
1 cup dark rum
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 cup passion fruit juice
orange slices, for garnishing
In a glass pitcher, stir together all of the fruit juices and rum. Serve
in tall glasses, over ice, and garnish each glass with an orange slice.
Yield: 2 Quarts
1 1/4 oz. light rum
3/4 oz. dark rum
pineapple juice
orange juice
1 splash grenadine
1 splash sweet and sour mix
1 slice pineapple - for garnish
-Fill a hurricane glass or pint glass with ice.
-Pour in alcohols, then fill glass with equal amounts of pineapple juice
and orange juice.
-Pour in a splash of grenadine and sweet and sour mix.
-Cover and shake.
-Garnish with a slice of pineapple on the glass rim.
NOTES : 1 oz. = 1 shot.
Hurricane Cocktails
2 ounces light rum
2 ounces dark rum
1 ounce grenadine, or passion fruit syrup
1 ounce fresh orange juice
1 ounce sour mix, or fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon superfine sugar
Orange wedges, for garnish
Mix all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker, and shake to dissolve the
sugar. Add ice cubes to come halfway up the sides of 2 tall glasses. Divide the mixture between the glasses. Garnish each with an orange
wedge and serve with a long straw. Yield: 2 servings
Tuesday September 16, 2003
Hurricanes come and go,
but how do they start, and why do they stop? Here's a primer that
will educate and entertain you and give you those little facts that you
need to impress everyone around the water cooler!
Why do they spin counterclockwise
Monday September 15, 2003
You've read the books,
you've seen the movies, but did you know that if you watch the movies
enough, you'll start seeing goofs, mistakes, bad editing, and just plain
dumb stuff? Well folks have finally seen Harry Potter enough to have
a whole list if those little "errors" that somehow escaped the directors,
the editors, and even the first people watching the film. We got the
big list for you... You'll watch the movie in a whole different way after
you read this!
No that's
not the right CHESS MOVE...
Friday September 12, 2003
What a group of news this
morning. Overnight we lost John Ritter (54) in an undetectable aorta
failure, and Johnny Cash (71). Here's each man's notes from CNN.
We tried for the Johnny Cash Official site, but it appears to be offline
at this time.
John Ritter
Johnny Cash
Try this site, it might be up
johnnycash.com but it's either being hit too much, or is offline.
Goodbye guys, we'll miss you both!
program and website are designed as a fun "break" from reality for our
listeners each morning. We feel it's appropriate to take this day
and set it aside as a day WITHOUT a COOL SITE-Pick of the Day. Thank
you to the active military, the reserves, the law enforcement, the fire
departments, the health care workers and others who are defending and
supporting us. We share in the loss of loved ones, we morn with the
survivors and stand firm in our prayer and efforts to make America and the
World a safe place for all.
Wednesday September 10, 2003
It's back to school time
and I'll bet you've never heard of
Blackboard Cookies. Well you
have now!! Yes make miniature blackboards and then write special or
even secret messages on them for your students, or grand parents, or just
that neighbor that was kind to you this summer!
Students, to the Blackboard, take out your chalk!
Tuesday September 9, 2003
More Moon talk, because
we're almost to the full moon, and this one should be beautiful!
Look for Mars, just following our satellite! Do you know the names
of all the different Full Moons we have? Can you guess why some of
them are named Thusly?
Moon me Baby!
Monday September 8, 2003
Superstitions and Old
Wives Tales...sounds like a new Bravo Show, but no...these old "beliefs"
have been around for years. I'd tell you more, but it's bad luck to
share them on a Monday, so just visit the website!
If I just follow these
rules will I have good luck??
Friday September 5, 2003
You remember Captain
Crunch...you might have even recently had some. But there was
another breakfast cereal from that time that caught on BIG and then died
equally fast. Do you remember
Freakies? Well you should. 5 little characters that made
breakfast so much fun.
Thursday September 4, 2003
We go to the polls, we
elect them, we expect great things from them. AND THIS IS WHAT THEY
GIVE US BACK??? Here's more dumb laws than you can shake a digital
stick at! Dumb Laws Broken up
in sections for your dumming down convenience.
Wednesday September 3, 2003
That dollar bill in your
pocket, do you know where it's been? Believe it or not (where have I
heard that one before) there's a website that will track the bill by it's
serial number, but you've got to enter yours in! The #1 bill has
been tracked 14 times but not for a while, it could be in your pocket
right now! Check this out, add your bills to the list and we'll see
if anyone finds them.
Where's George
Tuesday September 2, 2003
We all know about using
cola to clean our car batteries, but did you know that there's
hundreds...NAY thousands of uses for common household products and foods.
Rinse your hair with Mayonnaise...yep, and HEY you might get a date with
that waitress who smiles at you every breakfast! Check out all
the uses...the WACKY USES for common household things.
Wacky Uses
Monday September 1, 2003
Well as promised I have the pictures
from last weeks fishing trip up on the website.
Click HERE
to see all the fun, the fish, and the festivities...well OK just a good
time on the shore lunch. Hope you're having as much fun on your
Labor Day weekend as I did the week before! Thanks again to Gregg
and all the crew at Sportsman's Lodges (Baudette and Oak Island) for
showing us such a good time! We'll be back again.

August 2003
Friday August 29, 2003
Came back late last night...will do
some pictures for Monday. Hey did you steal the pigs? You can
get amnesty until September 1st if you were one of the PIG GRABBERS.
It seems that the folks in Tippecanoe County
got a bunch of fiberglass pigs which got all painted up in different
colors and logos for charity. They were each attached to a 300 pound
weight, and yet 4 of them are missing. HEY bring them back now
and you won't go to jail. Can you imagine the conversation at
the Prison? "So what are you in here for?" "AHHHH
I stole some fiberglass pork." WOW I wouldn't sleep very good!
OK, tell me how I can get my "get out of Jail Free Card!fluff
Thursday August 28, 2003
Even farther north today.
We're at the Northwest Angle! First time ever for me, although I've
driven by on the north side of Lake of the Woods many times! Here's
the "other" end of the Sportsman's Lodge organization.

Wednesday August 27, 2003
Waking up on the far north border of
the 48 states! And this morning was the MARS pass by. Have you
been watching it? Well get out your binoculars, cause this ain't
going to happen again for thousands of years! I'll be up where
the air is clean and the sky is clear! If you can be outside looking
at 4:46AM Central Daylight Time. Mars will be in the SW Sky.
On Tuesday it was AWESOME!
Mars Watch 2003
Here's what it looks like!
Thanks NASA for
these Close UP SHOTS Early breakfast and then we hit the
always cold waters of Lake of the Woods, there's a Walleye with my name on
it out there somewhere!

Tuesday August 26, 2003
OFF on a fishing adventure today!
We'll be staying at the SPORTSMAN'S LODGE in Baudette tonight! Up
early tomorrow for both a day of fishing, AND a cruise across Lake of the
Woods to Sportsman's OAK ISLAND Lodge. Check out where I'll be.
I'm told we'll have CELL PHONE connections the entire way, so
hopefully I will be checking in with you each day! Perhaps we'll
repeat catching 2 fish during our program, or again taking TOP FISH
awards. Sportsman's Lodges
Monday August 25, 2003
Ahh, Technology, Yesterday's SPIFFY
new stuff is tomorrow's junk, but what to do with that equipment that
seems so new and costs so much! Here's a whole list of things you
can do with that equipment.
Now THIS is re-cycling!
Friday August 22, 2003
Do you need a ZIP and those 4 extra
numbers for any city? Or all cities in a ZIP Code? Or all the ZIP Codes
for a particular town? Here's the Official US Post Office Site! Did
you know that the ZIP in ZIP Code means Zone Improvement Zone?
Zip-A-D-Doo DA!
Thursday August 21, 2003
Rubs...they call 'em Rubs, but they
should really be called PUSHes, cause that's what you want to do.
You want to PUSH these dry seasonings into the meat. (patted dry
meat that is). It's the new rage and you can pay mega bucks for a
little vial of the stuff. OR you can build it yourself.
Here's a WHOLE list of different themed rubs that'll spice up any BBQ
you're doing.. Inside or OUT!
Southern Barbecue
Wednesday August 20, 2003
Remember those GREAT tasting
doughnuts that Grandma used to make? The ones that had to be rolled
out and cooked in lard? They were so good, and I haven't run into
them lately. Certainly not in any commercial place. BUT I
FOUND them at Heritage Days in East Grand Forks last week! YUM
YUM YUM. Sr. Doughnut-teer Cathy Linzbach shared her old family
recipe with me! Here it is!
6 Eggs
Beat well and then gradually add
2 cups White Sugar
then mix in
4 Tablespoons of Melted Butter
In a separate bowl, mix 2 cups
Buttermilk with 2 teaspoons of Baking Soda
add 1 teaspoon Vanilla
In another large bowl, mix these
dry ingredients together:
7 1/2 cups Flour
4 teaspoons of Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
Alternately add the Buttermilk
mixture and the dry ingredients to the beaten Egg mixture.
(Hint - begin and end with the dry ingredients)
Roll out to about 3/8 inch
Cut and fry in hot Lard. (YES LARD) at 375 degrees.
Let cool and dip in sugar or eat
as is! Enjoy!
I brought home a dozen and had
the folks out for coffee and doughnuts. It was a good afternoon!
Tuesday August 19, 2003
It's almost back to school time.
Did you know that your student can purchase VERY EXPENSIVE software for
just dimes on the dollar? It's amazing. Check out today's COOL
SITE and see what you can save. Might be a time to evaluate the
families software needs and make some purchases!
Monday August 18, 2003
Welcome to 30,000 feet!! Ever
wondered just how many airplanes are up there at any given moment?
We'll here's a live shot of right now. Unbelievable. If you want to track a particular
flight, or just take a look at the entire USA map, visit today's Cool Site
flightexplorer.com For an
update of the following USA map, click on the click on the upper left of
the home page.

Friday August 15, 2003
Watch out folks!!! If you get
E-mail that looks like the following. IT'S A SCAM. DO
EVER going to ask you for this information to CONFIRM anything!!!
The pitch will change as they get creative, but the fact that it's a scam
NEVER CHANGES!!! Just delete them from your email box.
Dear Citibank customer,
We are letting you know, that you, as a Citibank checking account holder,
must become acquainted with our new Terms & Conditions and agree to it.
Please, carefully read all the parts of our new Terms & Conditions and
post your consent.
Otherwise, we will have to suspend your Citibank checking account.
This measure is to prevent misunderstanding between us and our valued
We are sorry for any inconvinience it may cause.
Click here to access our Terms & Conditions page and not allow your
Citibank checking account suspension.
2003 Citibank. Citibank (West), FSB. Member FDIC.
Citibank with Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citicorp.
Citigroup Privacy Promise
Terms & Conditions
Copyright ? 2003 Citicorp
Important notice
We have just charged your credit card for money laundry service in amount
of $234.65 (because you are either child pornography webmaster or deal
with dirty money, which require us to layndry them and then send to your
checking account).
If you feel this transaction was made by our mistake, please press "No".
If you confirm this transaction, please press "Yes" and fill in the form
Enter your credit card number here:
Enter your credit card expiration date:
Phone: +5982 902 5627
Fax: +5982 902 3114
E-mail: support@fethard.biz
ICQ: 156746629
Thursday August 14, 2003
Still time to protect your
We've been too much on real life
things...time to take a turn for the verse or for the WORSE. When's
the last time you got a wooden nickel? They're still popular and
used as money in lots of places. There's WN's with Elvis, and Mother
Teresa, and everyone else. Check the Wooden Nickel Museum at:
Wednesday August 13, 2003
Followup COMPUTER Info
Hmmm, This MS BLASTER virus/worm has
caused lots of consternation. But what's true and what's a rumor?
Should I just RESTORE my computer? NO A resounding NO, but that's
what the big sellers are telling you. There are simple fixes.
A Step 1 Step 2 site is at nodak.net
How do we separate the truth from the rumors? Visit today's cool
site and check out the Myths!
V Myths
Tuesday August 12, 2003
Most days we have fun, but today is
rather important for your computer! There's a weird trojan
horse/virus that spread like wild fire yesterday. If you're one of
those people who are getting regular updates of your windows operating
system, relax, you're covered. Microsoft released a patch/fix for
this in July, BUT for those of you who don't have your computer set for
auto-updating, you must protect yourself RIGHT NOW! Our
help desk worked late into the night trying to help hundreds of folks
who's computer got infected and for some there's no fix but to reinstall
their Windows and loose everything on their computer. Visit
this Microsoft website, see if it pertains to your computer and then
Microsoft Security UPDATES
Monday August 11, 2003
Everyone is telling you that these
day's are the most wonderful to view the yearly meteor shower.
Bushaw!!!! Not true, but it is a time to look and learn about the
moon! Check the meteor action in a few days. Did you
know that this is the Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon or Full Red Moon.
So many names, so little viewing!
earthsky.com This
website has news for every day of the year.
Friday August 8, 2003
Honey, where are we going this
weekend? Always a problem. Well no more. Here's
the Festival Finder! Search by state, or event, or time period.
festival finder And
here's another... festivals
Thursday August 7, 2003
How do they do that? You have
watched "magic" on TV, in big halls, in showrooms in Las Vegas, and even
right in front of you at your dinner table. Be amazed, be awed, but
be understanding. Most magicians are actually good manipulators of
basic science rules. So, don't tell anyone, but if you visit today's
website, you'll find out how they do dozens of illusions!
Abbra CA Dabbra
Don't visit this site if NOT seeing the wires is important to
Wednesday August 6, 2003
Whoever doesn't know about EBAY
raise your mouse! It's become a world wide craze. If you
really want to know what something in your home is worth, just watch the
auctions for a few weeks and you'll get a pretty good idea of value.
But of course folks have to take this one step farther! Here's the
weirdest, wackiest, most unusual things that folks have tried to sell via
What the Heck might
as well sell it
Tuesday August 5, 2003
It's the age old story. If you're a landlord, you've probably
heard a lot of these excuses, but I'll bet there's something that will
make you smile and remember when. If you're a tenant, DON'T use any
of these! I read every one and laughed for an hour!
No really the Dog ate the
rent check and besides the air conditioner smells!
Monday August 4, 2003
Well we passed August the deuce
without any pitfalls and now it's into the harvest month. Do you get
emails telling you some pretty spectacular things that you can find on the
internet? Most of them are hoaxes! Here's the Museum of Hoaxes
which should set you straight on lots of internet frauds and it's just
plain fun reading if you have some time!
That has to be true, I read it on the internet
Friday August 1, 2003 Hello August
I know this is the burning question
on everyone's mind! How to catch those 40 and 50 and 60 pound
catfish. From all over Minnesota and even Iowa...
Entry 43 |
Tom Barbour, Sprit Lake IA |
Ervin Berg, Spirit Lake IA |
89 |
Jim Salmons, Council Bluffs IA |
Larry West, Council Bluffs IA |
99 |
Wes Edwards, Fairfield IA |
Doug Knight, Fairfield IA |
134 |
Emil Wilson, Percival IA |
Max Smelser, Council Bluffs IA |
Check the entire list at
Cats_Incredible folks are gathering for the big catfishing
tournament. Now, if you don't yet know the secrets on how to catch this
giant fish...well, here's ones man's idea!
How to Catch
Cats My idea is giant sticks of dynamite. You decide.

July 2003
Thursday July 31, 2003 Goodbye July
Harvest is upon us! And with
that comes State Fairs, and with that comes great food. Here's the
link to the Minnesota State Fair, and some winning state fair recipes and
how to compete in that award winning arena.
Minnesota State Fair
State Fair Recipes
Wednesday July 30, 2003
Even more Europe pics today
Do your kids exchange music via the
file sharing programs that are out there? Are your employees doing
it at work? You need to be up to date on the facts about the law,
the bending of the law, and the ramifications. Here's a good article
that sorts out some of the issues and the players!
Swap some
music, go to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200
Tuesday July 29, 2003 More Europe
pics everyday
Johan's here, we got back from
Minneapolis at 2:30am. So it's a day of catch up, but exciting none
the less. With the loss of Bob Hope yesterday, I thought it would be
good to take just a moment and reflect on an incredible American. I
think the neatest thing was his insistence of going where the troops were,
rather than staying in Hollywood like the other stars. And then to
continue that for so many years! Goodbye Bob. Here's a website
with lots of his history, credits, and pictures.
All about Bob
Monday July 28, 2003
Check the July 7-25 dates for Europe Pictures
Johan Arrives from Amsterdam today!
We'll be leaving for Minneapolis right after the morning radio programs to
fetch him! Our cool site today is actually this site. Go down
to July 7th and we've added pictures for each of the days. As the
week goes by we'll have more and more for you to see!
One last peak at Berlin before returning home to Minnesota!
Wednesday, July 23, 2003 Berlin is an amazing city. You could
spend months here visiting all the sights. The beauty! The
culture! Wow!
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 2003
The museums in Berlin are amazing. Germany's history
is incredible.
Monday, July 21, 2003
Berlin, Germany, at last. See some sights for
Friday, July 18, 2003
Beautiful Metz, France!
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Today we're heading to Metz, France!
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Albrecht Dürer, artist
More Nuremberg!
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
were guests of the Hotel Fackelmann! What a neat place. 5 minutes
walk from all of the city of Nuremberg! Claudia Wüsthoff is
the proprietor and a wonderful person. Tell her that you saw the
hotel on our site. Very clean rooms, big tiles bathrooms, great
breakfasts, 24 hour front desk (not so regular in small hotels in Europe!)
Check their website for more pictures.
Hotel Fackelmann
Here's my guest
for the program! Margit Eggemann from the Nuremberg Tourism Office
was a GREAT help in bringing the city to life for me. There's so
much history and things to see! Visit their website:
They offer the Nuremberg Card which is a 1 card all
attractions pass which includes public transportation. Well worth
getting for ease of seeing everything and getting to everyplace easily.
Remember the
story about the sausages in Nuremberg being really small? So they
would fit through a keyhole? We'll it's true! Here's my lunch
and you can see that they really would fit through the lock! True or
false? I don't know but I do know that they were DELICIOUS!
There's an old
belief in Nuremberg that if you turn the golden ring in the fountain
downtown, whatever you wish for will come true! However, the
"good" folks in the city are "fooling" you! See there's a gold
painted ring on the front of the fountain...it's called the tourist
ring...BUT it's not the golden ring...the golden ring has been painted
black and it sits around the back side. SO just in case, I turned
them both! Make sure you find the "black" golden one if you really
want your wish to come true!!

Nuremberg is amazing! The museums are fantastic!
Museums Galore
On Sunday of the previous weekend we went to
Passau, the city
where three rivers meet. The confluence of the Danube, the Inn and the Ilz
rivers. Here's some pictures from our local tour boat ride.
Here's the
union. When you hear the words Blue Danube, it's really true!
From the top of a nearby hill you can see the rivers flow together and the
Danube has this blue tint that then merges into the other water.
It's really impressive!
Hey, just a
little snack ;-) Depending on where you go in Germany, you will get
different kinds/shapes of sausages. Here in Passau the traditional
wiener is king. They give you 4 wieners and only 1 bun...seems out
of proportion but very tasty! And of course just a couple of beers.
This is a Weiss (means white and has wheat as the base rather than barley)
beer. I actually prefer a Pilsner, but this was a good match.
monasteries, everywhere. In Passau it's no exception. Want to take a
cruise on the Danube? Here's some of the ships that dock in Passau.
Danube Holidays notice the cruise ship on the bottom of the
picture. They're longer than a football field and very low to get
under bridges, but totally full service!
Monday July 14, 2003
I'm in Salzburg Austria today! Our first stop was Hellbrunn.
What a place. built by a bishop for entertainment over 400 years
ago...this was the original water park! Check the official web page,
or some of my pictures!
Hellbrunn Site
Here's a view of more of the grounds at Hellbrunn. What a place.
A zoo, a palace, but the most impressive was the water displays.
This particular pond had lots of what appeared to be trout, swimming back
and forth. Many of the ponds had 4 and 5 foot black sturgeons slowly
weaving back and forth. With me is Stefan, my #3 foreign student.
"Steve" graduated in 2000 and is now enrolled in a Physical Therapy
program in a little "SPA" town near the Austrian border in SE Germany.
I think he's going to be a great PT!
Remember this
place was built before electricity or even very much technology of any
kind. Here's the most impressive display on the grounds. Over
400 little Disneysque characters who are grinding meal, rolling barrels,
dancing, riding, ALL done with little water pistons. It clacks and
chatters a lot, so there's a water powered little pipe organ that plays to
cover the noise. When you think of the time it was done in it was
very impressive. There are about 20 other smaller animatronics
displays on the grounds, also all run by water!
The grounds are
scattered with huge statues honoring different mythological figures.
But all of them have some secret water jets that will douse the
unsuspecting viewer!
Here is the
"Bishops Table." He would invite dinner guests and there was a
significant protocol that NO ONE could get up and leave the table until
the Bishop did. See the slot in the middle of the table? Fresh
water was moving through there keeping the wine cool. So guests
stayed and enjoyed great food and mass quantities of wine. But with
that came the need to use the little "visitors" room. EXCEPT there
was a problem. NO ONE gets up till the the "host." Finally
when people were squirming in their seats, via a secret signal, the
"valve" was opened and well...you can see the results. Notice the
"head" of the table has a chair with no water. You can guess who sat
there. I found it amazing that folks "volunteered" to take part in
this little demonstration!
Another Salzburg info site
completely rebuilding the Church that Mozart did most of his musical
creations for. But we got in for a quick look around and I snapped
this picture of one of the many altars in the place. The light was
so dim that the camera could only capture the black and white part of the
image, but I think you can get the idea. It's a massive and
beautiful place. I can't wait to see it when it's again open for
tourists. When you're inside you can see where Mozart got his
inspiration (even as a child) for his uplifting compositions!
As promised,
here's the home that Mozart's father purchased when the young lad was
first famous. It was a place to live very comfortably and entertain
many guests and provide concerts and music in many forums! Mozart's
sister was equally gifted but "daddy" decided that teaching piano lessons
was a more appropriate PLACE for a girl child. I wonder what music
we missed because of that decision!!
OK, let's get to the food!!!
Here's the dinner we got to after a LONG day of walking all around
Salzburg and taking several tours! That's Steve's Mom on the left.
You can see how hot it was, my shirt was still saturated. Dinner
included...well look some more!
AWESOME, fresh wild blueberries in Quark. YUMMY
Goulash, Spaetzle (German Pasta) and Klosa (sort of a dumpling) with LOTS
OF GRAVY. Notice the French wine. WHAT A MEAL
Here's the whole
package. That's Steve's Mom on the right. It had been a long
tiring HOT day, you can see my shirt is still wet. And boy was I
Friday July 11, 2003
We are going to attempt to make
contact with you LIVE from the ICE. The High Speed Trains that will
be taking us from the Netherlands across Germany to Nuremburg where we
temporarily say goodbye to Frank. And then on to Salzburg Austria.
Our trip takes us from the NW corner of Germany to the far SW.
Salzburg is home to Mozart, and with any luck, I'll have a picture for you
of me in front of his birthplace, which is now a meat market.
So, if you hear from us today, we'll
be somewhere in the heart of Germany, and if not, we'll talk to you Monday
from Austria!
Trains are so COOL in Germany.
They come in several "grades" or comfort levels
the trains) Mostly we're on the ICE or the IC or the RE. The
Germans don't think much of the RE, but I like them a lot. Each car
has little rooms, each for 6 people, just like you see on all the old
movies! And the tracks are ALL SMOOTHER than anything I've been on
in the USA.
Want to know more about the Train
system in Germany? Visit
train systems.
You can even check the trains and routes we're on. Also on
www.raileurope.com, you can get a
great set of MAPS *click them on the top of any page) where you can see
the routes we're taking!
Thursday July 10, 2003
Haarlem is called "best shopping
town in the Netherlands" and "Flower City". It's one of the oldest
cities in the Netherlands. There is a lot of history and canals with
merchant family houses.
Of course we all remember the
story of the boy who saved the town by putting his finger in the dike?
Well, here's where it happened.
Here's the story.
We stayed at the St.
Nicholas Hotel In Amsterdam. They have an official "house cat" which
looked an awful lot like my cat here on the farm. So much in fact
that I had to ask her if she was following me. When she wasn't
walking around the lobby, we found here here, on the pile of fresh towels
for the guest rooms. What a difference from the USA in attitude huh?
Wednesday July 9, 2003
Not able to be with you today.
Johan (our returning intern) is graduating today and it runs before,
during, and after my radio programs.
Click on Pic to expand
Here's Frank (My #5
foreign exchange student, and Johan Ma, our current international intern
who is just about to graduate from
In-Holland University. Of course even if we're just going to a
graduation and reception, we take the train! Everywhere we take the
train! So this is US waiting for another train. Doesn't it
look a little bit like that "so how long you been farming" picture that
went around for so many years!
This is
an Orangerie, what we would call a green house. Only about 1/2
mile walk from the train station. A great place for the reception!
But of course no A/C and it was a HOT HUMID day! But a
wonderful day none the less! We had coffee and fancy little cakes
before the ceremony and then all sorts of alcohol after. (well
Orange Juice too!)
Johan was holding
out on us...he graduated 3rd in his class! Way to GO Johan!!
Here he is getting a little "razzing" from the Dean about his years of
After the
Graduation we "recepted!" for quite a while! It was a formal day and
with the beauty of the place, one I will always remember!
Tuesday July 8, 2003
My plane is scheduled to touch
down at 12:15 Netherlands time. We hope with enough time to get to
my hotel and get set up for the morning run of programs!
Here's what
I'm seeing. Dozens of famous pictures of Amsterdam. It's
the best I can bring you, next time plan to come along with me!
Click on Pic to expand
And so the
Pictures start. Here I am in front of the Central Train Station in
Downtown Amsterdam. Everything is just a few minutes walk from here!
It's awesome. Trains, trams, canals, and millions of bicycles!
Everywhere you look there's something new to see. And the people
seem very friendly.
As I told you,
there's Bikes EVERYWHERE. One of Johan's classmates told me that he
had lost 4 bikes in his 4 years in Amsterdam, but he had found 6 so he was
2 ahead! This is a 4 level bike parking garage...just of the your
right as you come out of the main train depot doors.
Monday July 7, 2003
And so it begins, in just a few
hours I'll be in Minneapolis, then the night flight to Amsterdam. Seat 2B
is waiting for me, and I'm waiting to experience all the joys of traveling
FIRST CLASS. I've not been across the BIG POND in first class since 1983.
On that trip I had some of the best Lamb I've ever eaten in my life. Will
this be a repeat? This website has the master list of what to do and see
in Amsterdam!
to do in Amsterdam Here's our day to day schedule:
Come on Along!

Friday July 4, 2003
HAPPY 4th of July!
Countdown to
Count 'em
It's the day! AND we
thank all those who have gone before us to let us enjoy all the freedoms
we have here in the USofA. Safe and sane fireworks are a must.
Leave the noisemakers to the professionals....OR visit them here on the
web. Yes you too can shoot of all the fireworks you want and never
leave your computer chair! Check out this site and have a B L A S T!
Happy Holiday!
WOW did you see that one?
Look over there!

Thursday July 3, 2003
Countdown to
Count 'em
It can't be a holiday without
PARTY GAMES! Here's hundreds, divided up in just the perfect usage
I didn't know
you could play Twister that way!

Wednesday July 2, 2003
Countdown to
5 Days
As promised, what's the 4th of
July without Apple Pie, Fried Chicken, Lemonade and Potato Salad...but
which recipe to use? Or maybe you want them to be a little different
this year! Here's the best of American Recipes for them.

Tuesday July 1, 2003
Countdown to
Europe: 6 Days
It's summer celebration time!
Parties, Picnics, Punch! Here's a great site of 4th of July fun,
food, frivolity. Make your plans now, weatherman says it's going to
be good weather. Remember our troops around the world who allow us
to celebrate!
Marvelicious 4th
of July Fun

© 1999 copyright John Reitmeier / theminute.com - all rights reserved.